The eCom Learning Provider Difference
If you’re looking for an eLearning partner, discover why eCom is a great choice. Our client, Children’s Health Scotland, share their positive experience of working with us.
Posted 18 June 2018
Can you share a bit about your role with Children’s Health Scotland?
My name is Anne Wilson and I'm the Development Officer for Children's Health Scotland. I have 3 aspects to my role: As Development Officer, part of my job is promoting the organisation externally, through events and policy work, as well as working in partnership with other agencies. Children's Health Scotland has often been described as the bridge between users and service providers and so I also manage our Family Participation Group, working to engage families and relay their issues to government & service providers. The third part of my job is around the healthcare needs of children in care, delivering training to Foster and Kinship Carers.
How are you expecting to benefit from the eLearning provided by eCom?
Because we’re a rights-based organisation, we need to align ourselves with work the Scottish Government is doing around the Children & Young People (Scotland) Act 2014. So, this eLearning will not only help practitioners but also help raise the profile of Children’s Health Scotland.
eLearning will help us get the message out there and share knowledge in a cost-effective way. This is great because, due to the costs of face-to-face training, agencies are not releasing people for this. Also, our people resources are at capacity.
So, eLearning was an obvious choice really. It’s more flexible, it can be done at any time to suit the learners and there’s no need for travel either.
How have you found working with eLearning provider eCom?
Brilliant! From the word go, eCom’s friendly, relaxed staff were excellent. They were very respectful of our field, and I was very impressed by the knowledge they already had - they were often in a position to make content suggestions to us, it was very much a two-way street. eCom even handled changes in our timescales - for which Children’s Health Scotland were extremely grateful. The process was smooth, eCom just took care of it for us.
What aspect of eCom’s approach surprised you the most?
I was pleasantly surprised by eCom’s fresh approach to developing our eLearning content. Their flexibility as an eLearning partner was much appreciated and they were well informed too. We really benefitted from their project management skills - they always remained focussed on the goal and the project timelines.
If someone called you and said “Why should I do business with eCom as an eLearning provider”, what would you tell them?
I think I would say because they will work with you to find the solution that works best for you. You’ll absolutely get a personalised service; their approach is tailor made to fit your organisation’s size and budget and it’s not a one-size-fits-all. And because of their experience, they can share examples of work they have done previously, giving you confidence to choose eCom as your eLearning partner.
If you were to describe eCom in 3 words, what would they be?
Flexible. Supportive. Creative.
Watch this video, filmed live at the NHS Scotland 2018 event, where Colin McEwan, eCom Learning Technology Consultant and Anne Wilson, CHS Development Officer, launch the eLearning.
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