Home / Case Studies / Alzheimer Scotland eLearning Consultancy
eLearning Consultancy: Defining Strategic Learning Goals for a Growing Workforce
Setting the Scene
A registered charity established in 1980, Alzheimer Scotland is the leading dementia organisation campaigning for the rights of people with dementia and their families in Scotland. Specialising in providing high quality specialist services throughout Scotland, their aim is to provide advice and support for those affected by the condition. A recent restructure, changes in how the organisation delivered services, and the creation of a new workforce development team had raised some questions on how technology could support learning across the charity.

The Challenge
To meet the needs of a more dispersed, digitally confident and growing workforce, Alzheimer Scotland’s Quality & Workforce Development (QWD) team recognised a need to provide some learning digitally to help achieve their team learning objectives and have a positive impact on the workforce. This challenge led them to carry out extensive research into learning technologies, and to begin linking the potential of some of these to their operational quality assurance and workforce development plans. It was recognised that there were many links to other organisational strategies, and that a clear plan of action should be developed.
The Solution
eCom engaged with the charity as a result of our project work with other Third Sector organisations. It was identified that Alzheimer Scotland required eLearning consultancy to help the QWD team create a coherent plan of action. eCom facilitated a 1-day strategy workshop, where an evidence-based approach allowed key stakeholders from across Alzheimer Scotland the opportunity to critically assess where the organisation was in regard to learning technologies, evaluate past experiences and agree where they would like to be. Through the session, three clear goals were identified for the organisation, and a range of techniques were used to validate these and plan for implementation. Each agreed goal was described in clear language, assigned an achievable time frame, capturing a realistic path to progress towards the end result. During the discussions Alzheimer Scotland staff were able to identify and articulate what needed to change to allow each strategic learning goal to be achieved.

The Benefits
Gaining an in-depth insight into their “why”, Alzheimer Scotland were able to truly assess their vision with outcomes from the session being enlightening to all. One direct outcome of the day was the development of a communications strategy which called on support from all tiers within the organisation, something which was pivotal to the achievement of company learning objectives. The resulting benefits of the strategy workshop were:
- A shared understanding and clarity across the QWD team on what they needed and wanted from digital technology
- A realistic plan for a phased approach to introducing digital technology to support learning across Alzheimer Scotland
- A better understanding of how a blended approach to learning and quality assurance could be sustained.
eCom’s partnership with Alzheimer Scotland as a third sector eLearning consultant continues through our delivery of advice and support in creating the ideal internal infrastructure for technological advances to support the identified strategy.