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eLearning Training Content Helps All Relevant NHS Staff Learn Their Corporate Parenting Responsibilities
Setting the Scene
NHS Education Scotland (NES) develop and deliver education and training to support NHS services. As the NHS has corporate parenting responsibilities to care experienced and looked after children and young people, all relevant NHS staff need to understand what is required of them in this capacity. Charged with delivering this training, NES approached Who Cares? Scotland, a national voluntary organisation, who work with care experienced young people and care leavers across Scotland, for guidance and support to develop training.

The Challenge
The primary audience was identified as NHS practitioners with responsibilities for ensuring services are accessible to and promote the interests of care experienced young people, NHS educators who develop and deliver education and training, NHS workers responsible for ensuring access and promoting ways to NHS employment and careers and also clinical staff, managers and additionally staff in corporate services such as Human Resources.
Training material was needed to help this wide audience understand and learn key information including what corporate parenting is, the duties and responsibilities, care experienced eLearning supporting NHS corporate parenting young people including population characteristics, outcomes (school, college, university, employment), the care system and young people’s experiences and care experienced young person’s stories. With such a wide-ranging, geographically dispersed audience, with varying levels of knowledge on the subject, NES also needed to give consideration to the most appropriate delivery method. Having identified eLearning as the best option, NES issued an Invitation to Tender.
The Solution
eCom were delighted to win the competitive tender. Our instructional design team worked closely with subject matter experts at NES and Who Cares? Scotland to adapt the content into a format suitable for digital delivery, making it easy to use with intuitive navigation. We included opportunities for reflection during the learning, interactivities and interactive scenarios to help with learner engagement and to reinforce important information. We also included knowledge checks throughout, to help the learner assess their understanding. The course is structured so that additional material such as offline learning material, further reading aids and links are easily accessible and seamlessly integrated into the resource. eCom’s design team ensured high quality graphic design was infused throughout, making the eLearning engaging, interesting and a positive learning experience for the learners.

The Benefits
The eLearning resource produced by eCom helps NES to reach a wider audience, increasing their knowledge of corporate parenting responsibilities in the NHS. eLearning also enables self-directed learning helping NES increase engagement and retention. Since the new eLearning resource can be accessed anytime, learners can work through the material at a time that fits around their workload. This helps NES deliver this training with minimal impact to the working day. Using eLearning also helps NES deliver this training in a costeffective way since there is no need for travel or the other costs associated with traditional delivery. We really enjoyed creating this impactful eLearning course for NES and look forward to working with NES on future eLearning projects.