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Flexible and Secure Online Assessment Software for High-Stakes Assessments and Exams - eNetAssess
Create, deliver and manage accessible, reliable, unbiased assessments.
eNetAssess offers a complete solution for test creation, question authoring, centre management, scheduling, authentication, fully secure remote invigilation (eNetSecure+), verification, reporting, analytics, and more.
iQ: transform ideas into smart questions
For easy, efficient question creation, our AI-powered authoring tool, iQ, makes crafting high-quality questions straightforward. Watch the video below to see iQ in action. And visit our frequently asked questions page to learn more.
Key features and benefits of eNetAssess
Full range of online, easy-to-use formative or summative assessment options
AI-driven question authoring support tool for transforming ideas into smart questions
Wide range of roles supported including administrator, author, invigilator, assessor, and more
Simple to complex question flows, marking rubrics and algorithms
Real-time feedback for assessment administrators and stakeholders
Test creation and question authoring with extensive range of question types
Administrative features for center management and scheduling
Assessment authentication and secure remote invigilation (eNetSecure+): ensuring exam integrity, anytime, anywhere.
Delivery options for locations with limited or poor connectivity
eNetAssess solves key assessment challenges
Flexible assessment delivery across various locations and times
Streamlined administration, reducing complexity compared to paper-based exams
Simplified preparation, marking, and moderation of assessments
Faster evaluations and quicker results with efficient, modern processes
Environmentally friendly with digital-first methods
Secure, high-integrity assessment delivery
Convenient access to powerful reporting and analytics tools
Reduce human, logistical, and administrative costs
Create high-quality, smart questions quickly with iQ’s AI-driven support
Confidently deliver secure assessments anywhere, with eNetSecure+

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